Bugera 1960 Classic 150 Watt Hi-Gain Valve Amplifier


Bugera 1960 Classic 150 Watt Hi-Gain Valve Amplifier
Hampir dari mendapatkan-pergi, gitaris telah meminta kami untuk menafsirkan bahwa Bite Inggris klasik dalam apa yang menjadi gaya Bugera.
Kami melakukan banyak mendengarkan mengaburkan, panjang berangkat desain Brit dan menghabiskan sebagian besar tahun lalu tweaking untuk mendapatkan tangan-dipilih EL34s dan ECC83s untuk bermain baik bersama-sama. Kami menambahkan tanpa kompromi non-master volume untuk jalur sinyal langsung dan transformator output yang besar dengan gulungan khusus bersarang untuk respon dinamik meningkat dan kejelasan. Wanita, pria dan sahabat olde, memenuhi Bugera 1960.

Harga Amplifier Bugera 1960 Classic 150 Watt Hi-Gain Valve Amplifier Rp 5.650.000

Bugera 1960 Classic 150 Watt Hi-Gain Valve Amplifier
Almost from the get-go, guitarists have been asking us to interpret that classic British Bite in what’s becoming the BUGERA style.
We did a lot of listening to obscure, long-departed Brit designs and spent most of last year tweaking to get hand-selected EL34s and ECC83s to play nice together. We added a no-compromise non-master volume for direct signal path and a huge output transformer with specially nested windings for increased dynamic response and clarity. Ladies, gentlemen and olde chums, meet the BUGERA 1960.
Hand-built 150-Watt hi-gain amplifier driven by 4 x EL34 valves

  • Vintage preamp design from the '60s featuring 3 x ECC83 valves for terrifying punch and mind-blowing gain
  • 4 input connectors allow channel 1 and 2 to be linked via patch cable to mix the different tonal characters of each channel for ultimate tone
  • Vintage Equalizer section with dedicated Bass, Mid, Treble and Presence controls
  • Impedance switch (4, 8 and 16 Ohms) to match virtually any speaker cabinet
  • FX Loop with dedicated Level switch and true Bypass function
  • High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life


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