Bugera BC30-212

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Bugera BC30-212
The BC30-212 adalah alat musik tersendiri, melainkan pelengkap ideal untuk gitar Anda dan anggota band ekstra Anda selalu dibutuhkan. Itu karena tidak seperti ampli paling, BC30-212 merespon karakteristik halus teknik Anda bermain, memberikan kreativitas Anda suara tersendiri.

Ini adalah konsep yang memaksa kita untuk berkonsentrasi pada hakikat nada dan dinamika. Seperti yang sering terjadi, adalah sederhana, desain sederhana, dikombinasikan dengan komponen yang paling halus yang tersedia, yang menghasilkan kesetiaan tertinggi dan respon yang paling dinamis. Pada akhirnya, kita menciptakan amp yang memungkinkan setiap nuansa bermain Anda datang bersinar melalui.

Dua-channel operasi memberikan kemampuan nada-membentuk BC30-212 yang luas, menyediakan segala sesuatu dari CH yang 1 twin-jalan 12AX7 nada bersih untuk distorsi triode keterlaluan CH 2 yang mengalir. Saklar 6-posisi nada yang menyertai memungkinkan Anda untuk menyempurnakan karakteristik tonal dari CH 2, apakah Anda suka ringan atau liar. Anda bahkan dapat menambal dua saluran bersama-sama untuk fleksibilitas tonal tambah!

Harga Amplifier  Bugera BC30-212 Rp 7.650.000

The BC30-212 is a musical instrument unto itself; it’s the ideal complement to your guitar and the extra band member you’ve always needed. That’s because unlike most amps, the BC30-212 responds to the subtle characteristics of your playing technique, giving your creativity a voice all its own.

It’s a concept that forced us to concentrate on the very essence of tone and dynamics. As is often the case, it is simple, straightforward design, combined with the most refined components available, which yields the highest fidelity and most dynamic response. In the end, we created an amp that allows every nuance of your playing to come shining through.

Two-channel operation gives the BC30-212 vast tone-shaping capability, providing everything from CH 1’s twin-path 12AX7 clean tones to CH 2’s outrageous cascaded triode distortion. The accompanying 6-position tone switch allows you to fine-tune the tonal characteristics of CH 2, whether you like it mild or wild. You can even patch the two channels together for added tonal versatility!

-Hand-built 30-Watt Class-A guitar combo driven by 4 x EL84 valves
-Mind-blowing distortion with terrifying punch and breathtaking vintage clean that breathes with headroom
-True valve rectifier gives you the flexibility of using one 5AR4 for a explosive attack or two 5U4s (not
  included) for a smooth and round response
-Channel 1 features two 12AX7s creating a parallel triode circuit and an interactive EQ with amazing 
-Channel 2 sports a high gain channel based on a specially selected 12AX7 valve coupled to a 6-position 
  tone switch
-Power amp section features a Cut control for rolling off the high end plus a Master volume control
-Power switch reduces output power to 15 Watts for more sound variation
-Speaker Reverse switch reverses the direction of the speaker to influence the amount of distorted sound
-Each channel offers an independent effects loop
-Illuminated front panel and logo for a super cool look
-Impedance switch (4, 8 and 16 Ohms) to match virtually any speaker cabinet
-High-quality components and exceptionally rugged construction ensure long life

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