Roland MicroCube RX

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The Ultimate Amp untuk Musisi Traveling
Jika Anda seorang musisi siapa bergerak, Street CUBE baru untuk Anda. Apakah Anda menjalankan sebuah latihan, pelajaran, jalan pertunjukan, atau situasi yang memerlukan portabilitas dan fleksibilitas, Street BATU adalah baterai bertenaga keajaiban yang siap untuk melakukan perjalanan cepat. The Street CUBE suara luar biasa dan mampu volume tinggi berkat output ganda (atau dua) ampli listrik digital dan sepasang performa tinggi speaker neodymium. Dan hanya menunggu sampai Anda mendengar built-in efek dan model amp!

Harga Amplifier Roland MicroCube RX Rp 2.625.000

The Ultimate Amp for Traveling MusiciansIf you’re a musician who’s on the move, the new CUBE Street is for you. Whether you’re running to a rehearsal, lesson, street gig, or any situation that requires portability and versatility, the CUBE Street is a battery-powered marvel that’s ready to travel fast. The CUBE Street sounds amazing and is capable of high-volume output thanks to dual (or two) digital power amps and a pair of high-performance neodymium speakers. And just wait until you hear the built-in effects and amp models!
  • Compact, lightweight stereo amplifier with slanted cabinet design
  • Two high-performance 6.5” neodymium speakers
  • Battery driven (6 x AA, maximum 15-hour continuous use)
  • Dual-channel architecture with Guitar/Inst and Mic/Line inputs
  • 8 COSM® AMPs, 6 digital effects, and chromatic tuner built in
  • 2-band EQ, Delay/Reverb for the Mic/Line-channel
  • AC Adaptor included

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